Show up and shine - the 8 of Pentacles
Most of my Tarot draws are recorded in my journal and forgotten. I take the lesson, sit with it for the day, and then draw again the next day.
But I have a clear memory of the day, several months ago, when the 8 of Pentacles dragged me. I was feeling overwhelmed, unfocused, and I had a mile-long to do list. As I prepared to leave the house to co-work with a friend, I sat down with the Somnia Tarot. I asked what I should focus on that day, and I got a sharp quip. The 8 of Pentacles. Just do the work.
As my business has shifted and grown, that is what I have tried to do: to show up and do the work. But what happens when the work is deep, personal work? What happens when there is so much work behind the scenes (hello Inner Wands Tarot School) that there isn’t enough time or energy to put energy into promoting and free content? What happens when the winter comes and the days are short and I am an extrovert in an unsafe world? (And why in the hell is Kentucky still so eaten up with Covid?!?)
Nothing. Nothing happens. The clients dry up. I went from 10-15 sessions a week to 1 (on a good week). And when the client’s don’t book? The money goes away. February was the first month that I didn’t meet my income goal in the 15 months of this hybrid career. I considered closing up shop and taking a full-time job. (I’ve gotten two cold call job offers in the last 10 days.) I am in demand.
But here’s the thing. I am VERY GOOD at my muggle job. But my GIFT? My gift is the energetic work that I do with Reiki and Tarot and emotional sensing. I know this. I feel it in my bones. And so do my clients.
Imagine my eye roll and exasperated head drop when I opened my Sincerely 78 Reading for March and saw the 8 of Pentacles.
I used to do all of this work with joy and energy (when I was a full-time muggle, not just a part-time muggle), so I know I can do it. I can do the work it takes to drum up the business to be able to do the work. My soul work is important enough for me to show up and shine, as the 8 of Pentacles reminds me. And I know the work I have to do to make this work.
I can do the work necessary to make you aware of the value in the work we can do together. Write the posts. Write the blogs. Record the Reels. Record the YouTubes. Write the newsletters. Make the graphics. Draw the cards.
I can do the work necessary to keep my heart and my energy focused. To heal, focus, and clear my energy every day (especially during the transition from my Muggle job to my outside life). To prioritize spending time with friends. To write my affirmations, my scripting, and my card readings. To take walks. To cook with lots of green things. To snuggle my cats and my husband.
I can do the work necessary to attend to my clients. Show up daily for my Inner Wands Tarot School clients. Show up fully for my Moon Circles, Tarot Gatherings, and Reiki hang-outs. Keep to my word on delivery times and go back to creating beautiful deliverables that come with Reiki sessions and card readings. (Year-long tarot clients? I know I owe you your second snail mail reading - it is on my list for Friday.)
That’s the work. And I’m here for it.
Reminder: there are lots of ways to work with me (live and recorded Reiki sessions, Tarot readings, group healings), and you can find all of them here.
As for my teaching schedule…
Oracle Card Study (5 weeks) will open later in March.
Reiki 1 Immersion (8 weeks) will open in April (sign up for the waitlist here).
Inner Wands Tarot School Round 2 (12 weeks) will open in May (get on the waitlist here).
I’m gonna be all over your feed again. I’m just following my 8 of Pentacles.