Your words are your magic.

We tell ourselves stories. That’s just what our brains do. That is the way we make sense of the world.

But our stories are not always accurate. They don’t often include the entire picture.

We make snap judgements on our behaviors. We jump to conclusions about the reactions of others. We create assumptions about the way things are and the way they have to be.

But if we stop? If we slow down? If we ask questions?

We see possibilities. We see potential. We see beyond the patterns and the deep ruts in our brains. We learn about ourselves.

Just by putting pen to paper.

It is both that simple and that complicated, isn’t it?

It is one thing to know the benefits of a journaling practice.

But it is another thing all together to get past our expectations and assumptions.

I have to write for 30 minutes or it doesn’t matter. Three pages or nothing. Every day or no days. And it must be beautiful.

That is exactly where we will start.

  • We will define our journaling intentions.

  • We will build our toolbox to contain a variety of practices to meet our varying needs.

  • We will examine the stories we tell ourselves.

  • We will build more true practices and skills to focus our journaling on our intentions.

  • We will learn about ourselves, our priorities, our motivations, and our limitations.

And all you need is something to write on and something to write with.

I can be your guide.

The best journaling practice is one that makes sense in your day, your life, your routines. And I believe that flexibility and a deep toolbox can help us utilize our journaling practice to respond to our varying needs.

In this course, we will learn and practice the following journaling tools, intentions, and applications.

Module 1: Bond with Your Book.

Module 2: Alignment

Module 3: Memory Keeping

Module 4: Reflection

Module 5: Connection

You have three different ways to join us.

Content Only

You will receive two activities per module. These will come as a combination of written prompts, videos, and PDF worksheets.

All materials will be available and sent to you via email on March 6.

Content + Community Journaling

You will receive all content materials on March 6.

I will hold 12 journal-with-me sessions via Zoom. Each will include additional prompts and be recorded. Sessions will occur weekly for 12 weeks beginning March 11. Sessions will be held at different times on different days to maximize ability to participate and learning to invite variance in our practice.

This option is closed.

Will return Fall 2023.

Content + Community Journaling + Coaching

You will receive all content materials on March 6 and invitations to live journaling practices.

You will also receive an interaction with me for each of the 12 activities. We will communicate via email to deepen your practice with each prompt. You can work at your own pace, but coaching will expire six months after purchase.

This option is closed.

Will return Fall 2023.

My disclaimer

I’m Krissie.

I’m a yoga teacher, Reiki Master, and Tarot teacher.

I am a licensed professional clinical counselor in my professional time, but that is not my job or role in this space. The work that we do here is not clinical in nature. My purpose and limits within this program is to facilitate your journaling practice and your self-connection. We will not process the content of your journaling in this program.

This program is not a substitute for mental health services. Clinical services will not be provided in this space.