Welcome to The Gatherings.
Your connection to energetic care, curiosity, and community.
We gather twice times a month.
All sessions are held at 8pm Eastern on Zoom. Scroll all the way down for our calendar. Recordings will be posted within 24 hours.
The Full Moon Circle is when we do the work based on what is being illuminated and what is is the shadows. We’ll settle in, talk about the moon cycle, receive Distance Reiki.
The New Moon Circle is where we set our intentions and get in touch with our dreams. Same structure as the Full Moon Circle.
And we are doing it together. In community. Carving out intentional time to care for ourselves and each other.
We will gather together virtually over Zoom. All sessions will be around an hour. You will receive a video recording of the circle the next morning.
I will send a link to the Zoom Room the morning of the Circle.
There are multiple ways to join us.
Join A Gathering
For a recurring monthly $30 investment, you will have live and recorded access to BOTH the New Moon and the Full Moon Circles.
Come to a New Moon Circle.
For a one-time $20 investment, you will be welcomed into our New Moon Reiki Circle. You will receive a link to the live circle and a recording. Only New Moon Circles will be available for individual purchase.
NOTE: The Full Moon Circles are not available as a single purchase, they are reserved for our Moon Circle Gathering Members.
Gathering Dates.
These are general expectations of dates. They are open to change with 30 days notice. All sessions are held Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday evenings at 8pm Eastern. Recordings are available the following day.
New Moon Gathering
Sunday, March 19
Monday, April 17
Sunday, May 21
Full Moon Gathering
Monday, April 3
Sunday, May 7