Welcome to Inner Wands Tarot School.

You know that moment when a friend/mentor/therapist/random meme asks that question or makes that observation that completely changes your perspective?

That moment of, “I never thought of it that way!” that turns your understanding of a situation completely on its head?

That’s the gift of Tarot.

Perspective. Empowerment. Confrontation. Encouragement. Sometimes with a side-eye or an eyeroll. (And somehow my cards get away with it when the people in my life definitely cannot.)

I’m here to show you how to understand, use, and play with Tarot. You will learn to connect to this powerful and always-available practice. To show you that you have the ability to shift, move through, or deepen your experience of big feelings. That you have new perspectives and possibilities if you can see things from the outlook of a different card. That the spark and inner light that you already have is enough.

Your light. Your spark. Your Tarot.

Tarot in YOUR VOICE.

I am not teaching you to read Tarot like me.

I am teaching you how to read Tarot for yourself.

I am teaching you how to access your inner spark. Your inner knowing. Your inner wands.

Together, we will build a relationship between you and the Tarot that is…

Realized and Resourced.

Tarot gives you a framework to tune into yourself. You will come to see your cards as a tool to help you connect to all parts of yourself - your strengths and your blind spots. You will learn new ways to use your own internal resources to move closer to balance of spirit, body, and mind.

Connected and Curious.

Tarot gives you the shift in thinking to go in and IN. Sometimes these shifts in perspective can be really uncomfortable. But you get to choose what to do with what comes up. Each time you sit down with your cards, you have an opportunity to be curious about your internal landscape. And, with each sitting, you get to connect with that in whatever way you wish.

Intellectual and Intuitive.

My favorite thing about a Tarot practice is the balance of seeing the cards with both the traditional meaning and the intuitive message you receive from it. You will learn the basic understanding of the card, but also the permission to add your own intuitive understanding. You will learn how to gather all you need from your intuition, my teaching, and your deck’s guidebook. (And that’s all you need.)

Energized and Empathetic.

The Tarot can be an advisor in your connection to self-trust. You will build a connection to yourself and your intuition so that with a consultation with the cards, you’ll find comfort and calls to action. Your process with your cards will build a knowing of your own needs. You will become comfortable with interpreting each card with your current energetic and emotional state in mind.

with Inner Wands Tarot School, you will receive:

  • 78 videos - one a day - beginning August 7. You will work through each card in the deck, one 8-10 minute(ish) video at a time. We will also practice tying the cards together and learning to see your story through card progressions. There is no pressure to work through a card per day. Your timing is right timing. You cannot get behind. The material is yours forever.

  • 6 pre-recorded lectures on the structure of the Tarot and building a relationship with your deck.

  • 6 one-hour live Zoom calls. We will talk about general tarot structure, interpretation, and intuitive skills. These coaching and exploration calls will not be dependent on being caught up on card videos. Recordings will be provided.

  • 125 page pdf workbook/journal that you can either print or complete in GoodNotes/Notability, etc.

  • a Discord group where you can ask me questions and where we will grow, learn, and process in community.

  • a video 3-card reading from me at a time of your choosing (must be scheduled by 12/31/22).

Total Investment is 749

if neither of these work, please email me at krissie@theyogastill.com and we can figure something out :)

one payment of $749

3 payments of $250

6 payments of $125


What if I know absolutely nothing about Tarot?

You are in exactly the right place! You can be an absolute beginner or seasoned reader and gain insight and confidence from a daily(ish) and focused study.

What if I need help choosing a deck?

Oh oh oh oh! I love to help with this! You can see my top 10 decks here.

What if my deck doesn’t come with a guidebook?

You can do without one, but I enjoy utilizing guidebooks to connect with the creator’s intentions for the cards. If you have a guidebook, we’ll use it. If not, no worries.

Can I use an oracle deck?

No. This is specifically a Tarot study. I will be offering an Oracle Study in the summer.

Do I have to use one deck for the entire class?

No. But I will encourage working with the same deck for at least a week’s time.

What if I can’t make the live Zoom calls?

No problem! The recording will be available within several hours of our call.

What if I’m not interested in Discord?

That’s fine! It is just for extra community, but you will not miss out on any information if you do not join us.

What if I get behind?

There is no such thing as being behind! Participation in the calls will not require being caught up with the individual card study.

Who will you be learning from?

I’m Krissie.

I’m a Reiki Master, Curvy Yoga Teacher, Mental Health Professional, Tarot Reader, and Energetic Coach. I am fully committed to mind-body-soul connection and the importance of energetic maintenance.

I have been reading Tarot for myself - as a more or less daily practice - for the past five years. I have been reading for others for the past several months (which I never thought I’d do). I have filled multiple Tarot journals, read dozens of Tarot books, poured over dozens of Tarot guidebooks, and taken Tarot courses with Lindsay Mack and Susannah Conway.

I also find myself using the Tarot framework when conceptualizing my own energetic and emotional responses and helping my clients view things differently.

This is my first time teaching a Tarot course, but I have taught Oracle Card Study, Reiki 1, and hundreds of yoga classes.

Ready to join us?


Have questions?