Welcome to Inner Wands Tarot School.

JANUARY 25 :: Update and Getting to Know Your Deck Activity added under “all other videos”

JANUARY 20 :: Welcome Video and Discord Invite added under “all other videos”

We will begin at Noon Eastern on Sunday, January 30.

You will need:

  • a tarot deck

  • a guide book (preferably the one from your deck)

  • a journal and something to write with

  • anything that you want to bring in to create sacred space (candle, crystal, etc)

Additional details coming soon. Watch this space and your email!

All of your resources are here.

  • Cards by Day.

    Here you will find our cards in the order that I am teaching them. They will be listed here simply by day+number.

  • Card Library.

    This list of cards will be in deck order and will be available as we cover each card.

  • All other Videos.

    Our live calls (both classes and hangouts), random Krissie chats, and weekly spreads will be linked here.

Click below to join our Discord Group.

Zoom Calls will be held at noon Eastern time on the following Sundays:

1/30, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27, and 4/10

Tarot Hangout Sessions will be held on the Sundays in between. The link is the same.