Attuned Tarot.

I am excited to offer a deep and casual study of the Tarot. We’ll sneak in a meaningful self-connection too.

You will develop skills and curiosities to reflect and challenge yourself with 78 little cards. Over the course of the year, we will spend four days with each card. We’ll turn pieces of cardstock into a little spiritual, reflective, and embodiment coach in your pocket. Let me show you how.

Why attuned?

I am a Reiki practitioner and teacher. One of my favorite parts of Reiki training is the attunement. In this ceremony, we are given a deeper connection to the practice and our experience of the practice.

As I thought about what connection I want to foster - and teach - with the Tarot, this is exactly that. Over the course of a year, we will attune ourselves to the Tarot, and attune the Tarot to ourselves. Each day will hold a small moment (5-7 minutes) of ceremony. Small moments of deep connection with ourselves through the Tarot. Over 365 days, we will build a deep understanding of our experience in the world, our blind spots, and our uncelebrated qualities through a structured Tarot study.

What You’ll Need

  • a Ryder Waite Smith deck. This will be our foundation. You don’t have to use *only* a RWS, but Pixie’s artwork will be the skeleton we build upon.

  • A journal. Pen and paper. The notes app in your phone. A blog. It doesn’t matter. But you will be, in essence, creating your own book of the Tarot. You’ll want to be able to hold it or flip through it all in one place.

What you’ll receive

  • Daily experiences (ALL YEAR!) via a Discord group. We will go through the deck, focusing on two cards per week. Once we finish the deep dive, we’ll review one card a day at the end of the year.

  • Daily interaction will be a combination of video, audio, and written prompts.

  • A community for reflection and my presence (at least once a day) in the group.

  • Monthly live hangouts via Zoom.

  • Whatever random bits and bobs need sharing or clarification will be addressed. I’m predicting videos and maybe a few PDFs. I will be responsive based on need.

What makes this attuned?

  • We will explore each card from an emotional, somatic (physical), and spiritual framework.

  • We will not force insight or reflection. We will simply notice our experiences and epiphanies as they arise.

  • We are building a relationship between ourselves and the cards.

  • We are deepening our connection to ourselves through the cards.

What this course isn’t…

  • This course is not a substitute for mental health treatment.

  • This course will not prepare you to read for others.

  • This course does not teach Tarot for divination.

  • This course is not a deep dive into the nerdy aspects of tarot - astrology, Kaballah, etc. We will look at color, symbols, and basic numerology throughout the course.

For example…

Let’s take the 6 of Swords (my favorite card). Over the course of three days, we might connect in the following ways:

Day 1 (Mind) - I’d upload a video mini-lecture on the symbols and ways to understand the 6 of Swords.

Day 2 (Body) - I’d share an audio recording of a breathwork/meditation practice for moving into unfamiliar territory.

Day 3 (Spirit) - I’d share journal prompts to explore current or historical experience of this energy in your life.

Your response to these prompts can be as involved or as removed as your energy and time allows. I would plan on 10 minutes each day, knowing you can adjust your commitment as you have interest and availability.

One-Time Purchase

One-Time Purchase

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Additional Payment Options

Three monthly payments

Today, this date next month, this date the month after next.

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12 Monthly Payments

Today and this date for the next 11 months.

Link will open in Memberspace to complete transaction.

Self-discovery awaits.