A Ceremony for the February New Moon.


We will gather on Zoom at 8pm Eastern on Friday, February 9 for a ceremony to recognize the New Moon and to receive distance Reiki.

I light a candle. I gather crystals and oils. I draw a card for each of you by name. And then we settle in for Reiki. Sometimes it is a guided meditation practice, sometimes it is more like hands-on energy work from a distance. I don’t know how to explain it. And it is different each time. But I come away settled, changed, healed a little bit. (Because that is the beauty of Reiki - I am balanced as I balance your energy.)

You don’t have to do anything but receive. We will end with a blessing. The circle will take right around an hour.

If you can not attend live, you will receive a video recording within 24 hours.

My hope is to bring this back into my Magic Work Practice. But all I can offer at this time is this gathering.

I hope to see you there.

** Registration will close at 7pm Eastern on Friday in order for everyone to receive the link before I get energetically prepared for the session.**

You Belong Here.